You Are Making Me Hungry!

Think of your favourite food.  Picture that food in your mind, how it looks, smells, tastes, sounds when it is cooking.  Have you got it?  Good.

Write a descriptive paragraph that does not mention what your favourite food is but describes it so well that your classmates can guess what it is.  The website World Food and Wine has a list of great words to describe taste and flavour.

Here is an example:

Before it is dropped onto a frying pan, it looks fresh and pink.  While cooking in the frying pan it makes a snap, crackle, and pop sound.  After it is cooked it is dark brown and crispy.  The crispier the better!  The incredible smoky aroma makes your mouth water.  It tastes like salty and sweet happiness dancing in your mouth.  It is so delicous that you can't eat just one.   


  1. My favourite food is layered with pasta, tomato sauce and cheese with a little bit of meat. When it goes in the oven it is in a pan and after it is done cooking in the oven the top is a golden brown colour. The flavorful dish has a strong smell. You serve it warm and from the oven.


  2. Before its cooked it looks, fresh and dark pink. when its cooking you get the eroma of the fresh meat being cooked to perfection. its dark brown and fork tender. the nice soft meat just melts in your mouth. tasteing wild and heavinly. when you eat it you feel the taste all the way to your stomach its delisious.

  3. It looks round with circles of meat on and when you slice it the gooey cheese drips off of it onto the pan.It smells cheesy. It taste like cheese and tomato sauce and it's so delicious! It sound crunchy when you bite into the crust .

  4. I pour it into the pot of water stirring around until it’s cooked. I pour it into the strainer and put it back in the pot added cheese and other indigents. Mixing it making it smooth and creamy. Having the delicious smell of cheese in front of your face.

  5. The bottom part is fried until golden brown, the outside is crisp and crunchy. The middle is gooey and strechy, its topped with a mellow brown sauce with the smell of roast beef. When you take a piece the middle streches and mixes with the sauce. The inside of the bottom has a crispy coating and a fluffy buttery inside and the middle tastes rich, when you take a bite all of the layers blend together. I can't wait to have this dish.

  6. Before it's dropped into the pot of boiling water, my food is hard and doesn't taste good, but when it's finished cooking it's soft, and with some tomato sauce, caesar salad and parmesan cheese it's delicious.

  7. Saveen Dee Clayton
    when you cook the meat it sizzle when it is done you put it in to a chip like shell. you can smell the meat and cheese making your mouth water. putting on the topping I can't wait to take a big bite. .the taste is Divine and a burst of flavor dances in your mouth. when you bite in to it you can hear a big crunch! I think I will take another one. no. maybe 5 more.

  8. You throw the first few ingredients into the pan as they sizzle and turn golden brown. You put more ingredients into the pan until your whole house is filled with the smell and sizzle of the ingredients cooking. Now you pour the liquids in. A slow, divine pour not to stir up the rest of the ingredients. Finally, you can lay the last spicy, salty, decollete ingredient. A light pink when you put it in the oven, but when you take it out it is a crisp, steaming, golden-brown mound of deliciousness. When you cut into it, steam rises in a flowing state like a vertical river. When you bite down on it the crisp husk breaks away, revealing a soft, tender bite. Enjoy!

  9. It begins as a softball of dough. It is wrapped around a Weiner and placed into a frying pan. It sizzles until it is golden brown. It is hot. The outside is crunchy and the inside is soft and a little mushy. It is flavorsome! It tastes best with ketchup.-kp

  10. I grab my spoon and scoop it into my bowl, as I put it in my mouth it is cold and delicious at the same time. It is White and the round circles of it are stacked up in my bowl. It goes into my stomach and feels great.


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